Saturday, May 14, 2011

beachside dining

If you wanna have a cheap yummy dinner on the beach, go to Sanur.

Wait... Let's back up. Where am I and how did I get here.

We learned one very important lesson during our move from Kuta to Sanur... Know the name of the specific street you want to be dropped off on.

We thought our request was straightforward... We wanted the main street in Sanur... we were dropped off on a street that the driver said was the main street..... It was not.

After what seemed like hours walking in ridiculous heat beside a raging highway (ok, maybe not hours, but that insane backpack I brought will make a walk down the block feel like hell) we finally found the street we wanted. (remember, this was no walk in Canada... the sidewalks are atrocious so every few steps you almost walk into something that will break your leg, motorbikes are parked all over so you have to go out onto the highway to pass them, and sweat drips from every part of your body) suffice to say I felt like kicking puppies.

To make our moods worse, once we finally got to the place we thought we wanted to be, the two hotels we had written down turned out to be crap (thanks wiki travel) but luckily we asked around and were sent to a cute little place with a bathroom/kitchen that was practically outside! I know it sounds strange, but it was pretty cute.

Wow. What a difference a shower and that weight (literally) lifted off my shoulders made!!! I felt like a new person... You know, one that likes other people.  Or maybe it was the $6 hour long full body massage that made me human again....

Lesson learned: no winging it... Know exactly where you are going.

Anyway... Back to me having dinner on the beach....

If this place had a beach I'd swim from (this ones nice to look at, but I wouldn't let the sand or water touch my body... It just looks infested with something and there are drainage pipes that go into the ocean everywhere... I am afraid to ask what they are draining) this would be my favourite place in the world.

It's quiet here in a way that's calming. Kuta was so busy, so loud, so intoxicating (if you stood close enough to an Australian you would probably get drunk off his breath). Sanur is Kutas lazy sister. Rich European families lazing around, good shopping with less pressure, and countless beachside restaurants. There is this walkway that goes on forever with a plethora of shops and food (my two favourite things!). And decent hotels with pools for less than $30!! (bedbug free I hope.... Seriously, I have spent so much time and money trying to debug my life it would be depressing to get them again!)

If I were to get married I would totally honeymoon here... But I'd pay for the swanky hotels. Oh yeah, that reminds me of another lesson we learned yesterday. If you are a traveller on a budget: Never ever, under any circumstance, for any reason whatsoever, go into a swanky hotel and ask to see a room. Trust me. It's best you leave it to your imagination, because you can't even imagine what your missing out on.

It's ok. I don't need those places... I'm content to stay in hotels with toilets I won't sit on and showers that have never been cleaned. Clean sheets are overrated and bedbugs make me feel loved and needed.

I know, I'm sitting on the beach in Bali sipping a cup of tea and watching the sunset. Clearly you should be feeling sorry for me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Now it shows that I deleted my comment... I didn't really - I just moved it to your next post, because I accidentally commented on the wrong post. About *this* post I just want to say: $6 hour long full body massage? Pfft. Oh, how sorry for you I feel.
